What is GMAP2 all about?

The GMAP2 (2016-2025) will build upon the current Global Malaria Action Plan (2008-2015). It is being crafted for audiences that span the RBM constituencies at global, regional and country levels. As a global advocacy document it will highlight the devastating developmental impact of the disease and position malaria in the post 2015 era of Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, the GMAP2 will demonstrate how a context-tailored "business case" can be made for malaria reduction and elimination at regional and country level. The GMAP2 will underline how action at all levels can be accelerated by overcoming bottlenecks, optimising alignment, fostering accountability and creating a social movement for a malaria-free world.

Relationship between the Global Technical Strategy and GMAP2

The WHO Global Malaria Programme is coordinating the development of the Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016-2025 (GTS). It will articulate the vision and goals for malaria over the next decade and bring together current policy recommendations in a comprehensive, evidence-based strategy to guide WHO Member States in the elaboration of their own strategies, at whatever stage they may be on the pathway from malaria control to elimination.


The GTS shall serve as the technical foundation of the GMAP2. The GMAP2 will provide guidance on how new stakeholders can be mobilized to implement and finance the GTS. Both documents are being crafted in a synchronous, collaborative process that will culimate in a joint launch in October 2015.